
I'm having a strange issue here.

I have a 3 column datagrid that is filled by a connection with the database. So far so good.

I have an extra column, of checkbox type. I need to get it's value for perfoming a bulk operation on it. Here is the catch:

When all cells are selected, it works fine. But when an user selects any cell that its not the first, software gives me a object reference exception.

Here is the code

public List<String> GetSelected()
    List<String> selected = new List<String>();
    foreach(DataGridViewRow row in datagrid.rows)
        if ((Boolean)row.Cells[wantedCell].Value == true)

I tracked down the failure to the if-test, throwing a exception, because the value of the cell is read as null.

Any thougths?


Which line throws the exception?SLaks
Just an example of index. not the real cell name or index. The funny thing is that i already solved this one. Instead of converting the value like: (Boolean)row.Cells[i].Value i used Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells[i]) and works fine. Thanks for your help! :DGeorge Silva
Your problem was probably that row.Cells[wantedCell].Value was null, which you were trying to cast to bool. (A non-nullable type)SLaks
@SLaks Close. The value was DbNull.ValueWonderWorker

4 Answers


try this:

public List<String> GetSelected()
    List<String> selected = new List<String>();
    foreach(DataGridViewRow row in datagrid.Rows)
        object value = row.Cells[wantedCell].Value;
        if (value != null && (Boolean)value)

This didn't work for me (an exception was thrown converting to a Boolean).

I believe that this does the job:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.SelectedRows)
    bool b = row.Cells[0].Value == DBNull.Value ? false : (bool)row.Cells[0].Value;

Replace row 6 with if (row.Cells[wantedCell].Value == DBNull.Value ? false : (bool)row.Cells[wantedCell].Value == true) to make this:

public List<String> GetSelected()
    List<String> selected = new List<String>();
    foreach(DataGridViewRow row in datagrid.rows)
        if (row.Cells[wantedCell].Value == DBNull.Value ? false : (bool)row.Cells[wantedCell].Value == true)

Default value on "unchecked" checkboxcell in datagridview is DBNull. You can change this at its column by setting CheckBoxColumn FalseValue attribute:

DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn CheckCol = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
CheckCol.FalseValue = false;

This will resolve your issue with the cell being read as null.