It is certainly not true that you need to be a QObject
to emit signals. All you need is there to be a QObject
somewhere that emits the signals for you. If you want your class to be directly passable to QObject::connect
, your class should provide a conversion operator to QObject*
that returns the pointer to such a proxy object. This completely sidesteps the whole no-templates-with-moc brouhaha.
class FrobinatorObject : public QObject {
Q_SIGNAL void frobSignal();
template <typename T> class Frobinator {
QScopedPointer<FrobinatorObject> m_proxy;
// Could be a QSharedPointer, depending on what semantics we want
operator FrobinatorObject*() const { return; }
Frobinator<int> frob;
QObject::connect(frob, SIGNAL(frobSignal()), ...);
// or
QObject::connect(frob, &FrobinatorObject::frobSignal, ...);
Also note that while it's true that you can't have signals nor slots in a template-parametrized class, you can certainly have them in a base class that you then derive from. The base class can deal with type-deleted arguments. So:
// This won't work
template <typename T> class TemplateClass : public QObject {
Q_SLOT void aSlot(const T *);
// But this certainly does work
class BaseClass : public QObject {
Q_SLOT void aSlot(const void *);
template <typename T> class TemplateClass : public BaseClass {
void aMethod(const T * t) {
BaseClass::aSlot((const void*)&t);
The TemplateClass
can also dynamically add slots of the correct type signature to the BaseClass
. While that requires some understanding of Qt's internals, it can certainly be done for a class that's supposed to be a reusable, framework-style class.