I'm trying to get a basic Hello World libgdx application running on the IPhone Simulator using gradle. I am new to gradle and robovm.
First I should note that I am able to successfully build and run tis example app https://github.com/jtakakura/robovm-sample-ios-app with the command:
./gradlew build launchIPhoneSimulator
Just as a small diversion, I am curious to know why
./gradlew launchIPhoneSimulator
fails. Apparently 'build' needs to be explicit.
wintermute:robovm-sample-ios-app matt$ ./gradlew launchIPhoneSimulator
Classpath entry /Users/matt/code/robovm-sample-ios-app/build/classes/main does not exist
:launchIPhoneSimulator FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':launchIPhoneSimulator'.
> Main class org.robovm.sample.ios.RoboVMSampleIOSApp not found
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 7.115 secs
I would have thought that the launchIPhoneSimulator task would depend on the build task and that calling lanuchIPhoneSimulator would implicitly invoke build. Is this a mistake in the gradle-robovm-plugin (https://github.com/jtakakura/gradle-robovm-plugin) or is there something I am missing about gradle?
Ok, sorry back to my main question:
I generated a libgdx project using the command line tool supplied by Gdx-setup (https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/tree/master/extensions/gdx-setup) with the arguments:
--dir /Users/matt/code/test --name test --package com.foo.bar --mainClass FooTest
I threw the generated project up on github so you can clone it with less hassle:
git clone https://github.com/mattwalters/libgdx-test libgdx-test
Then I'll run
./gradlew build
to build all the sub projects. But I am unable to get the ios build running on the simulator via
./gradlew launchIPhoneSimulator
I get a similar error to the one above:
wintermute:test matt$ ./gradlew ios:launchIPhoneSimulator
Classpath entry /Users/matt/code/test/ios/build/classes/main does not exist
:ios:launchIPhoneSimulator FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':ios:launchIPhoneSimulator'.
> Main class com.foo.bar.IOSLauncher not found
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 12.759 secs
I double checked that there is no typo between the actual name of the main class and the mainClass declared to gradle. And there is indeed no classes directory in ios/build, but I am not sure why.
Can anyone help shed some light on this for me? Thanks very much in advance.