
Playing with the church numerals. I run into the situation I can't guide the GHC type-checker around higher order types.

First I wrote an version, without any type signatures:

module ChurchStripped where

zero z _ = z
inc n z s = s (n z s)
natInteger n = n 0 (1+)

add a b = a b inc

*ChurchStripped> natInteger $ add (inc $ inc zero) (inc $ inc $ inc zero)

mult a b = a zero (add b)

*ChurchStripped> natInteger $ mult (inc $ inc zero) (inc $ inc $ inc zero)

The inferred type of mult is horrible, so I tried to clean-up the types with a type definitions:

module Church where

type Nat a = a -> (a -> a) -> a

zero :: Nat a
zero z _ = z

inc :: Nat a -> Nat a
inc n z s = s (n z s)

natInteger :: Nat Integer -> Integer
natInteger n = n 0 (1+)

{- `add :: Nat a -> Nat a -> Nat a` doesn't work, and working signature looks already suspicious -}

add :: Nat (Nat a) -> Nat a -> Nat a
add a b = a b inc

*Church> natInteger $ add (inc $ inc zero) (inc $ inc $ inc zero)

mult :: Nat (Nat a) -> Nat (Nat a) -> Nat a
mult a b = a zero (add b)

*Church> natInteger $ mult (inc $ inc zero) (inc $ inc $ inc zero)

It works, but the types aren't as clean as they could be. Following the System F definitions I tried:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module SystemF where

type Nat = forall a. a -> (a -> a) -> a

zero :: Nat
zero z _ = z

inc :: Nat -> Nat
inc n z s = s (n z s)

natInteger :: Nat -> Integer
natInteger n = n 0 (1+)

{- This doesn't work anymore

add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add a b = a b inc

   Couldn't match type `forall a1. a1 -> (a1 -> a1) -> a1'
                 with `a -> (a -> a) -> a'
   Expected type: (a -> (a -> a) -> a) -> a -> (a -> a) -> a
     Actual type: Nat -> a -> (a -> a) -> a
   In the second argument of `a', namely `inc'
   In the expression: a b inc
   In an equation for `add': add a b = a b inc


I guess it should be possible to write add with Nat -> Nat -> Nat type signature, but I have no idea how.

P.S. actually I started from the bottom, but it maybe easier to present this problem this way.

The forall introduces higher ranked types, and this is surely not what you want here.Ingo
@Ingo I don't see why notbennofs
To put it differently: every Nat you mention in your type will have its own a type variable, that cannot be unified with any other type variable in your signatur, but apparently, wehn you write Nat -> Nat you want the as be the same.Ingo
@Ingo, no, really want it to stay universal. It's a bit like id id case (which isn't that interesting, but works). gist.github.com/phadej/8540770phadej
Perhaps you want to define the type as (a->a)->(a->a) instead.n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m.

4 Answers


bennofs is right, you really want to help the typechecker along here, in particular in add where you need to instantiate the a in forall a . a -> (a -> a) -> a with Nat (ie, the same forall a . ... type).

One way to do that is to introduce a newtype that wraps the polymorphic type:

newtype Nat' = N Nat

Now you can go between Nat and Nat' via N, and back using unN

unN :: Nat' -> Nat
unN (N n) = n

(It's worth noting at this point that newtype Nat' = N Nat is a different beast from data Nat2 = forall a . N2 (a -> (a -> a) -> a). The latter requires -XExistentialQuantification because it says that for some particular choice of a, you can make a Nat2. On the other hand, the former still says that if you have a -> (a -> a) -> a for any arbitrary a, then you can make a Nat'. For Nat' you need -XRankNTypes, but you don't need existentials.)

Now we can also make inc' to increment a Nat':

inc' :: Nat' -> Nat'
inc' (N n) = N (inc n)

And we're ready to add:

add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add n m = unN (n (N m) inc')

The reason this works is because now instead of trying to convince GHC to instantiate the type of n with a polymorphic type ∀ a . a -> (a -> a) -> a on its own, the N acts as a hint.


> natInteger (add (inc zero) (inc zero))

I don't understand RankNTypes well enough to tell why your original example doesn't work, but if you pack Nat into a data type, then it works:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module SystemF where

data Nat = Nat (forall a. (a -> (a -> a) -> a))

zero :: Nat
zero = Nat const

inc :: Nat -> Nat
inc (Nat n) = Nat $ \z s -> s $ n z s

natInteger :: Nat -> Integer
natInteger (Nat n) = n 0 (1+)

add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add (Nat a) b = a b inc

Now the Nat type is a real data type, which helps the type checker, because it doesn't have to deal with the polymorphic type all the time, only when you actually "unpack" it.


Here's my implementation of Church numerals:

type Nat = forall a . (a→a) → (a→a)

zero :: Nat
zero _ = id

one  :: Nat
one    = id

inc :: Nat → Nat
inc a f = f . a f

add :: Nat → Nat → Nat
add a b f = (a f) . (b f)

mul :: Nat → Nat → Nat
mul a b = a . b

nat :: Integer → Nat
nat 0 = zero
nat n = inc $ nat (n-1)

unnat :: Nat → Integer
unnat f = f (+ 1) 0

It is much easier to work with them flipped (function to apply N times first, its argument second). Everything just comes out, well, naturally.

EDIT: this solution is also limited, the types are not right just like in the original question and it will break down at some point.


It seems that by using Data.Proxy we can give a hint to GHC:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Data.Proxy

type Nat = forall a. Proxy a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)

zero :: Nat
zero _ _ x = x

suc :: Nat -> Nat
suc n proxy s z = n proxy s (s z)

-- add = \m n f x. m f (n f x)
add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add n m proxy s z = n proxy s (m proxy s z)

-- mult = \m n f. m (n f)
mult :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
mult m n proxy s z = m proxy (n proxy s) z

And then it works!

λ > :t let one = suc zero in add one one 
let one = suc zero in add one one :: Proxy a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
λ > let one = suc zero in add one one Proxy (1+) 0

λ > :t let two = suc (suc zero) in mult two two
let two = suc (suc zero) in mult two two
  :: Proxy a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
λ > let two = suc (suc zero) in mult two two Proxy (1+) 0