I am using sencha touch 2.3.1 and cmd 3.1.2. But while creating buid by using command "sencha app build native", it gives error : [ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line: /path_to_app/.sencha/app/init-impl.xml:62: does not support the nested element
$sencha app build testing
Sencha Cmd v3.1.2.342
[INF] init-plugin:
[INF] cmd-root-plugin.init-properties:
[INF] init-properties:
[INF] init-sencha-command:
[INF] init:
[INF] app-build-impl:
[INF] -before-init-local:
[INF] -init-local:
[INF] -after-init-local:
[INF] init-local:
[INF] find-cmd-in-path:
[INF] find-cmd-in-environment:
[INF] find-cmd-in-shell:
[INF] init-cmd:
[INF] [echo] Using Sencha Cmd from /home/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ for /path_to_app/build.xml
[INF] -before-init:
[INF] -init:
[INF] Initializing Sencha Cmd ant environment
[INF] Adding antlib taskdef for com/sencha/command/compass/ant/antlib.xml
[ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line:
/path_to_app/.sencha/app/init-impl.xml:62: <x-load-properties> does not support the <file> nested element