
I am new to the field of Sentiment Analysis and I would like your help. What I need to do with Stanford Core NLP is provide raw text and get 2 kinds of results:

  1. The total sentiment of the whole text (e.g. positive, neutral or negative)

  2. Entity-based sentiment (either call a function to return a list with all the entities and their sentiment, or call a function where I provide the needed entity as an argument and it returns the sentiment related to this entity).

On stackoverflow it is generally appreciated if you show what you have tried, instead of just asking for a complete sollution.DB5
Well as I said I very new to this. I have tried importing Stanford Core NLP into eclipse to fiddle around with it, but I cannot even build it because the "build all" option is not active and I do not know why. All I have managed so far is to execute the pre-built SentimentPipeline module, which produces the sentiment for each sentence of the input.Nick Pavlakis
I finally managed to import CoreNLP into Eclipse but I cannot figure out how to use it to perform sentiment analysis (apart from running the pre-built demo). Could any more experienced user provide some sample code to start or point me to the right direction?Nick Pavlakis
Still need help with this?krinker

1 Answers


I ran into a similar issue and I was wrapping several Java projects in an easy to use webservice. I was using Google App Engine and you can find the code here: https://github.com/josepvalls/parserservices

I added the Stanford Parser, Berkeley Parser, the Stanford CoreNLP and the OpenNLP Parser, unfortunately I never got to NER.

On a related note, if you can use Stanford NER instead of OpenNLP NER, there is an online demo that you can use: http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/ner/