I have a decimal (not hexadecimal) color code and, using Java, I need to convert it to the three RGB colors.
So for example, 16777215 (pure white) needs to get converted to Red: 255 Green: 255 Blue: 255.
65280 (pure green) needs to get converted to Red: 0 Green 255: Blue: 0
Here is a converter for more examples.
Just doing some small calculations and playing with the calculator on the page linked above, I have determined:
- Red equals 65536 (256^2)
- (255x65536 = 16711680, aka pure red)
- Green equals 256 (256^1)
- (255x256 = 65280, aka pure green)
- Blue equals 1 (256^0)
- (255x1 = 255, aka pure blue)
I can tell it obviously has something to do with bytes, but I am missing that last little bit. I am not the best with the whole concept of bits/bytes/etc and how it interacts with Java, so it is likely fairly simple.
So, anyone know the best way of going about this? What would be the best way to convert a single numerical decimal color into the three separate RGB values using java?