I know that there is a lot in internet (http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=159557.0 for example) about OV7670 and I read a lot about it, but seems something is missing.
First of all I took a look into the way how can we read pixel by pixel from the camera to build the rectangular 600 X 480 image, and this was quite easy to understand considering HREF, VSYNCH and PCLOCK described on documentation here: http://www.voti.nl/docs/OV7670.pdf. I understand XCLOCK as an input I need to give to OV7670 as a kind of cycle controller and RESET would be something to reset it.
So at this point I thought that the functionality of such camera would be covered by wiring the following pins:
- D0..D7 - for data (pixel) connected to arduino digital pins 0 to 7 as INPUT on arduino board
- XCLK - for camera clock connected to arduino digital pin 8 as OUTPUT from arduino board
- PCLK - for pixel clock connected to arduino digital pin 9 as INPUT on arduino board
- HREF - to define when a line starts / ends connected to arduino digital pin 10 as INPUT on arduino board
- VSYCH - to define when a frame starts / ends connected to arduino digital pin 11 as INPUT on arduino board
- GRD - groud connected to arduino GRD
- 3V3 - 3,3 INPUT connected to arduino 3,3v
- RESET - connected to arduino RESET
- PWDN - connected to arduino GRD
The implementation for such approach from my point of view would be something like: Code:
for each loop function do
write high to XCLK
if HREF is LOW
if lastPCLOCK was HIGH and currentPCLOCK is LOW
end for
My readPixelFromDataPins()
basically read just the first byte (as I'm just testing if I can even read something from the camera), and it is written as follows:
byte readPixelFromDataPins() {
byte result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
result = result << 1 | digitalRead(data_p[i]);
return result;
In order to check if something is being read from the camera I just print it to the Serial 9600, the byte read from data pins as a number. But currently I'm receiving only zero values. The code I'm using to retrieve an image is stored here: https://gist.github.com/franciscospaeth/8503747.
Did somebody that makes OV7670 work with Arduino already figure out what am I doing wrong? I suppose I'm using the XCLOCK wrongly right? What shall I do to get it working?
I searched a lot and I didn't found any SSCCE (http://sscce.org/) for this camera using arduino, if somebody have it please let me know.
This question is present on arduino forum (http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=211741.0) too.