I have the following version of GREG: wso2greg-4.5.3
While configuring all the stuff, having casandra correctly running, I'll get a working installation.
I have made some changes to the default port and added an offset of 2, thus I am at 9445.
Now I tried to get UDDI up and running. I followed the steps as of here and second here
Now I can query for sample the UserAdmin wsdl as of:
https:// stsmac.behrens.de:9445/services/UserAdmin?wsdl
But what I do not capable of is getting the UDDIInquiryService service wsdl:
https:// stsmac.behrens.de:9445/services/UDDIInquiryService?wsdl
My JAVA_HOME and CARBON_HOME are as following:
JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to /Users/lothar/develop/Projects/ReferenzProjekte/WSO2SOAArchitecture/install_root/governance/wso2greg-4.5.3
Trying to list all admin service in the OSGI console, I'll not see UDDI at all:
osgi> listAdminServices Admin services deployed on this server: 1. ProvisioningAdminService, ProvisioningAdminService, https:// stsmac.behrens.de:9445/services/ProvisioningAdminService/ 2. Service, null, https:// stsmac.behrens.de:9445/services/Service/ ...
Any ideas, where to search why the UDDI services are not available?
Thanks, Lothar
My host is:
Darwin stsmac 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 i386