
When running the Page Speed test on pages with a Google map embedded I get this:

Should Fix: Enable compression Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network. Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 136.4KiB (67% reduction). Compressing https://maps.google.com/…95,0.006295&z=10&output=embed&iwloc=near could save 135.3KiB (67% reduction). Compressing https://maps.google.com/…=kEXbUrP4JNGygQSk7ICgAw&hl=en&country=us could save 1.1KiB (71% reduction).

The page gets 99/100 for both mobile and desktop when the map is taken out, but drops down to 85/100 and 87/100 with it included. It would be very odd if Google did not follow it's own recommendations for resource compression. From my understanding of the matter -- which is limited -- , the only way to enable this is via .htaccess on the server that the files are being hosted on. Anyone have any advice or suggestions?

enter image description here


1 Answers


You can't do anything to external resource, your side is already optimized