
I'm trying to perform a certain action by pressing, for example the spacebar (anywhere). In my code, I've got the acceptsFirstResponder method and the keyDown method but I'm not getting an NSLog-message

Here the code:

- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
this code is in my appdelegate.m filepetermney
Of course it doesn't work, the code has to be in a subclass of NSResponder.TheAmateurProgrammer
@TheAmateurProgrammer Ok, I just created a new class (subclass of NSResponder) with the two methods, but I don't get any nslog when I press a keypetermney

2 Answers


You need to put your -keyDown: method on an NSView subclass, and that NSView subclass has to be put in a window, and that window has to be on-screen, and you have to click on your view before you hit a key. Then the key will go to your view.

Check the diagram “The Path of Key Events” on this page.


In addition to implementing keyDown in your NSView, you also need to implement acceptsFirstResponder and have it return YES:

- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
    return YES;