
I am creating an WebView app i.e it contains only WebBrowser control which opens some enterprise mobile web app. I am using Urban Airship for push notifications.

Now I want to show the pending tile/toast notification count as badge on tile as well as on lock screen. How do I perform that? Is there any event which occurs when notification is pushed, if yes how can I use to maintain the count? Can I use background task? I am thinking to clear the badge when app is launched.

I am totally new in push notifications for Windows Phone. I searched a lot but didn't get expected results.

Get tile notifications count Windows phone

Count unreaded Number of missed call and message in windows phone

Do you have the access to the pending notifications count?crea7or
No, Urban Airship just offers a panel to send the push messages. What if I have access to it?Farhan Ghumra
Maybe I didn't understand correctly.. What do you want to display? Received notifications count that is not processed by the app?crea7or
Suppose I am the new user of the app, I used the app for 15 mins, then I quit the app. Then I can toast notifcation 1,2,3...10 i.e. I got 10 notifications. So the badge should show 10 on lockscreen as well as on tile.When I reopen the app 10 would be cleared. Then I quit notification comes 1,2...5 so badge would be 5.Farhan Ghumra

1 Answers


Here is a good sample of tile notification in msdn. You don't even need a background agent for this task, it will be done by the system. There is also a toast notification sample.