I'm working on a project with EmguCV (.NET-version of OpenCV) and I'm using the probabilistic Hough Transformation to find lines.
So at first I was performing the canny-operator. Afterwards doing the Hough-transformation.
Gray cannyThreshold = new Gray(50);
Gray cannyThresholdLinking = new Gray(300);
Image<Gray, Byte> cannyEdges = gray.Canny(cannyThreshold, cannyThresholdLinking);
LineSegment2D[] linesFound_temporary = cannyEdges.HoughLines
cannyThreshold, // 1. Parameter
cannyThresholdLinking, // 2. Parameter
1, // 3. Parameter
Math.PI / 360.0, // 4. Parameter
gray.Width * 0.2, // 5. Parameter
gray.Width * 0.4, // 6. Parameter
gray.Width * 0.1 // 7. Parameter
Later I realised that the HoughLines-Method already integrated the canny edge detection.
Nevertheless, my results in line-detection are better and more steady when I use the additional canny detection instead of leaving it out.
Can anyone explain to me, why this happens? Or has anyone experienced the same?