I found ServiceMix had provided OSGi-fy Spring bundles up to ver. 4.1.4,
I tried it in my osgi Bundle project, to set dependeny like that :
Run in Felix a found sprint bundles are activated :
ID|State |Level|Name
5|Resolved | 1|Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-expression (4.1.1.RELEASE_3)
6|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Command (0.14.0)
7|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Runtime (0.12.1)
8|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Shell (0.10.0)
10|Active | 1|Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-context (4.1.1.RELEASE_3)
11|Active | 1|Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-core (4.1.1.RELEASE_3)
But in it's latest release 5.4.0, ServiceMix only include spring 3.2.11.
Is there any risk when use spring 4.1.1 in my OSGi environment?