
using biml (via BIDS helper in visual studio) how do i assign values to the properties of the SSIS 2008 Execute Package Task object, specifically

  • Location: SQL Server
  • Connection: SomeConnectionString

using BIML. I have searched for many hours and cannot find how to set these properties

Could you edit your question to show the biml you have surrounding your ExecutePackage tagbillinkc
thank you billinkc, perfect answer!norm

1 Answers


Inside your ExecutePackage tag, you'll need to specify that it's a SqlServer source.

In the following declaration, I create two connection managers, one for a file based connection manager and one for a SQL connection to my named instance.

The Biml itself creates 2 packages. A Child and Parent. The Parent package creates two Execute Package Tasks

<Biml xmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd">
    <FileConnection Name="FCChild" FilePath="c:\Users\bfellows\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\SSISPOC\PackageDeploymentModel\Child.dtsx"></FileConnection>
    <OleDbConnection Name="OLEChild" ConnectionString="Data Source=localhost\dev2012;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;"></OleDbConnection>
    <Package Name="Child"
    <Package Name="Parent" 
        <ExecutePackage Name="EPT File Child">
          <File ConnectionName="FCChild"></File>

        <ExecutePackage Name="EPT SS Child">
          <SqlServer ConnectionName="OLEChild" PackagePath="\Child"></SqlServer>

The resulting Execute Package Task for the SQL Server appears as

enter image description here