We have developed an application using Extjs 4.2 following MVC pattern. We have project folder setup as follwing:
--> app
In app.js we have defined all models, controllers, stores under Ext.application. Like:
name: 'MyProject',
autoCreateViewport: true,
models: [
stores: [
(views and controllers similarly)
This all works good for us. Now we need to concatenate all these models, stores, controllers, views into one app-all.js and use it in our app.html. I have read many posts on net on how to do that with Sencha cmd tool, but none of them was application to me as we have a restriction to install cmd tool and we need to generate concatenated and minified file on build time with Maven. I found out a solution that by using JSBuilder2, I can get a concatenated + minified app.js.
Problem is now when I use this minified file, all individual js files are still being downloaded. As if I delete individual js files, I get 404 error and application fails to load.
I suppose that is because of way we have defined models, views, controllers in our app.js; they are still looking for js class files in respective folders.
Please share if you have any solution to this.