I am using BrunchJS to handle coffee script and assets compilation. The project uses several Brunch plugins such as brunch-handlebar which requires the "commonjs" wrapper to operate.
Extract from my config.coffee
# We cant avoid require js wrapping since brunch modules use commonjs
# Otherwise Marionnette JS offers its own modules loading strategy
# loading mechanism
wrapper: "commonjs"
definition: "commonjs"
On the Marionette side I can have a simple application loading just fine.
<script type="text/javascript">
var app = require('application');
# Load handlebars block helpers require 'lib/view_helper'
class Application extends Backbone.Marionette.Application
initialize: =>
@addInitializer((options) =>
console.log "HELLO WORLD"
AppLayout = require 'views/app_layout'
@layout = new AppLayout()
# module.exports is the object that's actually returned as the result of
# a require call.
module.exports = new Application()
Starting from there how do I use Marionette JS modules ? I read about using modules with AMD here https://github.com/marionettejs/backbone.marionette/wiki/AMD-Modules-vs-Marionette's-Modules but I can not use the define keyword in my marionette module definition since "define" and "require" are not exposed. Brunch only uses it to load its plugins and my app source files.
A usual Marionette module looks like this:
MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
MyApp.module("Foo", function(){
// module code goes here
In a separate file moduleA.coffee I tried to do:
MyApp = require 'application'
define ["MyApp", "Marionette"], (MyApp, Marionette) ->
MyModule = MyApp.module("MyModule")
MyModule.addInitializer ->
console.log "HELLO FROM MODULE"
But define is not defined.
I also tried to do:
MyApp = require 'application'
MyApp.module "ModuleA", (MyApp, ModuleA, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
ModuleA.addInitializer ->
console.log "HELLO FROM MODULE"
but then I need to require all my marionette modules ("moduleA") in application.coffee and ran into some circular dependency issues.
One of the solution I am thinking about is to disable BrunchJS commonjs wrapping and load handlebars from vendor folder instead of as a brunch plugin.