I want to bulk upload CSV into cassandra 2.0.3. Right now I have successfuly converted the CSV into sstables.
However when I run the sstableloader , there is an error message as below. Is this error affecting my bulkload as I do not find the imported data in the cassandra 2.0.3??
VirtualBox:~/apache-cassandra-2.0.3$ ./bin/sstableloader -d localhost airlines/flight/
ERROR 16:08:04,832 Unable to initialize MemoryMeter (jamm not specified as javaagent). This means Cassandra will be unable to measure object sizes accurately and may consequently OOM.
Established connection to initial hosts
Opening sstables and calculating sections to stream
Streaming relevant part of airlines/flight/airlines-flight-jb-1-Data.db to [/, /]
progress: [/ 1/1 (100%)] [/ 1/1 (100%)] [total: 100% - 0MB/s (avg: 0MB/s)]