
I am using Liferay 6.2 and I am creating one Portal Instance say abc.com, I have done necessary config to access the second URL abc.com and I login with [email protected] which logs in to the abc instance where I can add the portets to page & create page. But I do not see or have access to control panel, Site settings in abc.com Portal Instance.

  • Please let me know how this user [email protected] can have access to admin options ? Control Panel for managing sites and content in abc portal instance ?
  • How users, groups, role can be controlled for this portal instance ? as the users of abc.com does not display in default liferay.com instance control panel ?
  • I need to configure LDAP for abc.com instance I need access to control panel how this can be done ?

Can anyone please share the experience of using Portal Instance and how the administration can be done for managing above scenarios in new Instances ?

Appreciate your inputs on above.

Thanks !


1 Answers


It's just like in the default instance that you always have when running Liferay: The user you login with must have the proper permissions, e.g. you need to assign the "Administrator" role, then the rest of your questions will automatically be solved.

The only section you won't see in secondary portal instances is the "Server" section in Control Panel - all the other sections are there.