
js Peeps

I have an OBJ model with a UV map that is not rendering the bump map correctly. As you can see from the images the UV map checker texture shows a smooth flat surface. Unfortunately when the bump map is applied there appears to be tears across the bump map texture. (It is just a basic repeating texture which works fine for a different OBJ)

Has anyone else experienced this effect?

Many Thanks

![1]: http://imgur.com/pLBxWtk "Rendered bump map" ![2]: http://imgur.com/MDfHxiu "UV Map test"

Here is the bump coffeescropt map code:

mapHeight = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( "/images/3d/bump.jpg" )
mapHeight.anisotropy = 4
mapHeight.repeat.set( 0.998, 0.998 )
mapHeight.offset.set( 0.001, 0.001 )
mapHeight.wrapS = mapHeight.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
mapHeight.format = THREE.RGBFormat

1 Answers


It has to do with a UV map being recalculated after a boolean operation