Here is the problem: a GUI button has a callback that toggles its state from checked to unchecked.
In imperative programming languages, it is very easy to implement: just modify the Button's state. For example:
void callback(Button btn) {
But in pure functional programming, a callback cannot change the state of an object. The only thing the callback can do is create a new Button object with the new state. For example:
Button callback(Button btn) {
return new Button(!btn.checked);
The button created by the above callback will not be part of the program's GUI, because an external function would have to get the result of the callback and reintegrate the new button value to the GUI.
Furthermore, a button shall not have callbacks with the above type signature, because button callbacks should be generic. I.e. the type signature of a callback would be:
Object callback(Object object);
The only solution I can think of in purely functional code is for callbacks to accept and return the global GUI, e.g.:
GUI callback(GUI gui, Button btn) {
...bla bla bla recreate the gui tre ...
So how do I do this in purely functional code? how can my purely functional callback change my button's state?