So I have a custom uitableviewcell and I have code that looks like this in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method
defaultCell = [self.listView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:DefaultCellIdentifier];
defaultCell = [[DefaultCell alloc]init];
The if is passed and the default cell is alloced and inited. However, the cell shows up to be blank (the xib file isn't there). I'm registering the nib with the tableview like this -
UINib* defaultNib = [UINib nibWithNibName:@"DefaultCell" bundle:nil];
[self.listView registerNib:defaultNib forCellReuseIdentifier:DefaultCellIdentifier];
So why am I getting a blank view in my table cell instead of what I see in my xib file? I think it's because I'm not allocing the cell with it's xib.
What's going on?