
My Question Is This

What configuration step have I missed to make Mvc Surface Controllers work in Umbraco?

My theory is that since there is a folder in the default Umbraco install called /umbraco/ which is used to connect to the CMS that the physical path is interfiering with the route /umbraco/surface/{Controller}/{Action} thus resulting in the ASP.NET YSOD (and an IIS 404 when I try to access a controller on that route that isn't defined.)

Background Information

I have added this class to my App_Code folder in a freshly downloaded copy of Umbraco 6.1.6:

public class MembersController : SurfaceController
    public ActionResult Index()
        return Content("Hello, Member!");

When I navigate to what I think should be the route for my Index() method, I get a YSOD that says the resource could not be found:

YSOD for route to path

the code is not executed and the above error is displayed; however, if I change the Uri to garbage I get an IIS 404 error:

IIS 404 error for route to non-existing path

I started getting this in an existing site, thinking my site was screwed up I tried it in a new copy of Umbraco 6.1.6 and got the exact same results.

For the record, I have also tried MembersSurfaceController and its associated Uri, which has the exact same result as above. YSOD when I hit the valid route, and IIS 404 when I don't.

I have changed my umbracoSettings.config to MVC in the /config/ directory as well.


I'm using the out-of-the-box web.config file, which has this:

     <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
     <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
         <remove name="UrlRewriteModule" />
         <add name="UrlRewriteModule" type="UrlRewritingNet.Web.UrlRewriteModule, UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewriter" />

On my default Umbraco site I don't have any rewrite rules defined; but on my actual site I have several rewrite rules in place. I'm thinking that's not causing it since I'm seeing the same behavior on both sites though...

I have tried removing UrlRewrite completely I get the same results.

did you check do you require UrlRewrite Module in IIS? it could be worth checking...Ankur Ghelani
I'm not sure what you mean, I'm running the out-of-the-box web.config.Nate
I can replicate this issue, but only by placing my Controllers in the App_Code folder (Umbraco v6.1.3) - if they're complied, there seems to be no issue. It's a long shot, but could you compile the Controllers (by adding a Class Library, moving the Controllers to there and adding a reference to your Website to the Class Library if your project is a Website) and try again?milquetoastable
@milquetoastable I have not tried that yet (I will), but it feels like a lot of overkill for my current site.Nate
Compiling the controller will resolve this issue, but I'm wondering if you (or anyone else) has ever figured out if it's possible to add Controllers in the App_Code folder. I'm experiencing the same issue myself at the moment. Creating a separate library appears to be some 'overkill'.Jan_V

2 Answers


The following approach works for me in Umbraco 7.1, and I expect it to work in 6.1 as well:

Create folder called 'Controllers' within your App_Code folder, and put your surface controllers in there (so that they will be within the 'Controllers' namespace).

E.g. I have the following controller in the App_Code\Controllers folder (and hence, within the 'Controllers' namespace):

namespace Controllers
    public class ServiceCentersController : SurfaceController
        public ActionResult GetServiceCenters(string country = "", string region = "", string city = "")

My site runs on localhost, so I can invoke the GetServiceCenters action by navigating to:


You need a namespace for your controller - the code posted above doesn't have any namespace:

public class MembersController : SurfaceController
    public ActionResult Index()
        return Content("Hello, Member!");

That is why making a namespace of Controllers works ... but you could make this any logically named namespace you want.