
I would like to export one scalar variable from a Simulink Diagram to the Matlab Workspace.

Simulink Diagram

Although I know that the value of 'Chemin' can be changed during the simulation, I am only interested in exporting the initial value to the workspace; I do not want a TimeSerie variable (like the 'To Workspace' block would do), I only one want scalar value.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Without knowing much about simulink: Would it be possible to just call the toworkspace block the first time?Dennis Jaheruddin

2 Answers


I don't think you can do what you want. Everything in Simulink is time-based so you have to save the entire variable as a function of time to the workspace. However, you can add a model callback in StopFcn that extracts just the first value and clears the time-dependent variable from the workspace, e.g.:

chemin_0 = chemin(1); % assuming chemin is the name of the time-dependent variable saved to workspace
clear chemin

The StopFcn callback is executed after the simulation stops.


You can do this pretty easily with an Enabled Subsystem. Make the enable signal false at all times except t=0 by using a constant (=0) and an Initial Condition block (=1), as per the following picture.

High level model
Inside the Enabled Subsystem have

Inside the subsystem
with the save format set to be Array. The simout variable will then be a scalar valued number.