I'm going to implement drag and drop behaviour with kendo grid which is populated using template. How can I achieve draggable rows and reordering with kendo grid.
3 Answers
Take a look at following my demo code and try it to implement.
var data = [
{ id: 1, text: "text 1", position: 0 },
{ id: 2, text: "text 2", position: 1 },
{ id: 3, text: "text 3", position: 2 }
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: data,
schema: {
model: {
id: "id",
fields: {
id: { type: "number" },
text: { type: "string" },
position: { type: "number" }
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: dataSource,
scrollable: false,
columns: ["id", "text", "position"]
filter: "tbody > tr",
group: "gridGroup",
hint: function(e) {
return $('<div class="k-grid k-widget"><table><tbody><tr>' + e.html() + '</tr></tbody></table></div>');
grid.table/*.find("tbody > tr")*/.kendoDropTarget({
group: "gridGroup",
drop: function(e) {
var target = dataSource.get($(e.draggable.currentTarget).data("id")),
dest = $(e.target);
if (dest.is("th")) {
dest = dataSource.get(dest.parent().data("id"));
//not on same item
if (target.get("id") !== dest.get("id")) {
//reorder the items
var tmp = target.get("position");
target.set("position", dest.get("position"));
dest.set("position", tmp);
dataSource.sort({ field: "position", dir: "asc" });