I want to group all movies by genre and then list all movie titles in this genre.
My XML movie database looks as following:
<title>A History of Violence</title>
<summary>Tom Stall, a humble family man and owner of a
popular neighborhood restaurant, lives a quiet but
fulfilling existence in the Midwest. One night Tom
foils a crime at his place of business and, to his
chagrin, is plastered all over the news for his
heroics. Following this, mysterious people follow
the Stalls' every move, concerning Tom more than
anyone else. As this situation is confronted, more
lurks out over where all these occurrences have
stemmed from compromising his marriage, family
relationship and the main characters' former
relations in the process.</summary>
<role>Tom Stall</role>
<role>Eddie Stall</role>
<role>Carl Fogarty</role>
<role>Richie Cusack</role>
here is my expression:
xquery version "3.0";
let $movie := collection ('/db/Movie/data')/movies/movie
<h1>Movies grouped by genre:</h1>
for $m in $movie
let $g := $m/genre
let $t := distinct-values($m/title/text())
group by $g
<li>{$g} <p> <ol>Title: {$t}</ol> </p></li>
but the result will give me all titles in one row but I want them also als List points seperated.
This is the actual output:
<ol>Title: A History of Violence Heat Match Point</ol>
Should look like this:
<ol>Title: A History of Violence
Match Point
How do I need to adjust the query?
Thanks in advance. Greets