I'm new to sklearn
's Pipeline
and GridSearchCV
features. I am trying to build a pipeline which first does RandomizedPCA on my training data and then fits a ridge regression model. Here is my code:
pca = RandomizedPCA(1000, whiten=True)
rgn = Ridge()
pca_ridge = Pipeline([('pca', pca),
('ridge', rgn)])
parameters = {'ridge__alpha': 10 ** np.linspace(-5, -2, 3)}
grid_search = GridSearchCV(pca_ridge, parameters, cv=2, n_jobs=1, scoring='mean_squared_error')
grid_search.fit(train_x, train_y[:, 1:])
I know about the RidgeCV
function but I want to try out Pipeline and GridSearch CV.
I want the grid search CV to report RMSE error, but this doesn't seem supported in sklearn so I'm making do with MSE. However, the scores it resports are negative:
In [41]: grid_search.grid_scores_
[mean: -0.02665, std: 0.00007, params: {'ridge__alpha': 1.0000000000000001e-05},
mean: -0.02658, std: 0.00009, params: {'ridge__alpha': 0.031622776601683791},
mean: -0.02626, std: 0.00008, params: {'ridge__alpha': 100.0}]
Obviously this isn't possible for mean squared error - what am I doing wrong here?