I'm making a game as a project for school and have recently encountered a little problem in as3. I'm making a game where you are maneuvering ship avoiding asteroids, and just added the function so that when you hit an asteroid your ship is removed from the stage via stage.removeChild. Everything is fine until you actually hit something, then this error comes up(and I mean alot, like it keeps repeating itself for as long as the game is on):
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at Function/com.asgamer.basics1:Engine/private:loop/com.asgamer.basics1:krash()[C:\Users\nti\Desktop\Ship game\com\asgamer\basics1\Engine.as:54]
Here's the code(I marked out line 54):
package com.asgamer.basics1
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.events.Event;
public class Engine extends MovieClip
private var numStars:int = 80;
private var enemyList:Array = new Array();
private var ourShip:Ship;
public function Engine() : void
ourShip = new Ship(stage);
ourShip.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
ourShip.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
for (var i:int = 0; i < numStars; i++)
stage.addChildAt(new Star(stage), stage.getChildIndex(ourShip));
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop, false, 0, true);
private function loop(e:Event) : void
if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 14) == 5)
var enemy:Asteroid = new Asteroid(stage);
enemy.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeEnemy, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, krash);
function krash(e:Event):void{
if (enemy.hitTestObject(ourShip)==true){
stage.removeChild(ourShip); <-------------------------- LINE 54
private function removeEnemy(e:Event)
enemyList.splice(enemyList.indexOf(e.currentTarget), 1);
Please do remember that I'm sort of a beginner to coding, which would explain other possible "faults" in the code. :)