
I am trying to create a conveyor belt effect using SpriteKit like so


MY first reflex would be to create a conveyor belt image bigger than the screen and then move it repeatedly forever with actions. But this does not seem ok because it is dependent on the screen size.

Is there any better way to do this ?

Also obviously I want to put things (which would move independently) on the conveyor belt so the node is an SKNode with a the child sprite node that is moving.

Update : I would like the conveyor belt to move "visually"; so the lines move in a direction giving the impression of movement.


2 Answers


Apply physicsBody to all those sprites which you need to move on the conveyor belt and set the affectedByGravity property as NO.

In this example, I am assuming that the spriteNode representing your conveyor belt is called conveyor. Also, all the sprite nodes which need to be moved are have the string "moveable" as their name property.

Then, in your -update: method,

    [self enumerateChildNodesWithName:@"moveable" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop{ 
        if ([node intersectsNode:conveyor])
            [node.physicsBody applyForce:CGVectorMake(-1, 0)];
            //edit the vector to get the right force. This will be too fast.

After this, just add the desired sprites on the correct positions and you will see them moving by themselves.

For the animation, it would be better to use an array of textures which you can loop on the sprite.

Alternatively, you can add and remove a series of small sprites with a sectional image and move them like you do the sprites which are travelling on the conveyor.


@akashg has pointed out a solution for moving objects across the conveyor belt, I am giving my answer as how to make the conveyor belt look as if it is moving

One suggestion and my initial intuition was to place a larger rectangle than the screen on the scene and move this repeatedly. Upon reflecting I think this is not a nice solution because if we would want to place a conveyor belt on the middle, in a way we see both it ends this would not be possible without an extra clipping mask.

The ideal solution would be to tile the SKTexture on the SKSpriteNode and just offset this texture; but this does not seem to be possible with Sprite Kit (no tile mechanisms).

So basically what I'm doing is creating subtextures from a texture that is like so [tile][tile](2 times a repeatable tile) and I just show these subtextures one after the other to create an animation.

Here is the code :

- (SKSpriteNode *) newConveyor
    SKTexture *conveyorTexture = [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:@"testTextureDouble"];
    SKTexture *halfConveyorTexture = [SKTexture textureWithRect:CGRectMake(0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) inTexture:conveyorTexture];

    SKSpriteNode *conveyor = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:halfConveyorTexture size:CGSizeMake(conveyorTexture.size.width/2, conveyorTexture.size.height)];

    NSArray *textureArray = [self horizontalTextureArrayForTxture:conveyorTexture];
    SKAction *moveAction = [SKAction animateWithTextures:textureArray timePerFrame:0.01 resize:NO restore:YES];
    [conveyor runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:moveAction]];

    return conveyor;

- (NSArray *) horizontalTextureArrayForTxture : (SKTexture *) texture
    CGFloat deltaOnePixel = 1.0 / texture.size.width;
    int countSubtextures = texture.size.width / 2;

    NSMutableArray *textureArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:countSubtextures];

    CGFloat offset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < countSubtextures; i++)
        offset = i * deltaOnePixel;
        SKTexture *subTexture = [SKTexture textureWithRect:CGRectMake(offset, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) inTexture:texture];
        [textureArray addObject:subTexture];

    return [NSArray arrayWithArray:textureArray];

Now this is still not ideal because it is necessary to make an image with 2 tiles manually. We can also edit a SKTexture with a CIFilter transform that could potentially be used to create this texture with 2 tiles.

Apart from this I think this solution is better because it does not depend on the size of the screen and is memory efficient; but in order for it to be used on the whole screen I would have to create more SKSpriteNode objects that share the same moveAction that I have used, since tiling is not possible with Sprite Kit according to this source : How do you set a texture to tile in Sprite Kit.

I will try to update the code to make it possible to tile by using multiple SKSpriteNode objects.