I try to add core data's - with data already loaded - sqlite database to the project. I am running App on simulator, on device I get no problem. The goal to preload fresh launching app with data. In the document folder I have 3 database file:sqlite, sqlite-shm, sqlite-wal. I have chosen to copy to the project only the sqlite file. When I restarting App with preoloaded database, It seems that database is empty. Why? On device there would be only one database file, which would be not corrupted. Database connection was not closed on simulator, or what?
1 Answers
I found here the answer: How to preload data into an iOS app using sqlite files
In oder to get core data to behave in the old way (pre-iOS 7), and generate just the sqlite file, I had to add this argument to the addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error: method call, in the options parameter. You can find it in AppDelegate.
@{ NSSQLitePragmasOption : @{ @"journal_mode" : @"DELETE" } }