
I have checked lots of posts having this error but none had this particular problem. (Also I am new to C sharp have been a java dev)

I am getting an exception as

System.InvalidCastException was caught

on the table2.Field("MEME_CK") line below in the code snippet.

There are about 3K rows in the table2, I couldn't find a way to avoid wrong casting for line table2.Field("MEME_CK")

Data can either be null, not present, valid or invalid. So I tried using nullable operator on the generic parameter cast. Also saw there is DBNull class that can possibly represent non existent value.

Is there a way to preprocess column data before doing "equals test" or joining in the code below ? How can I avoid casting even after using nullable type?

Following code basically do a join on two data tables based on MemberID i.e. MEME_CK or MemeCk and creates new object with CapHeadID, MemeCk etc as fields.

 var query =

       (from table1 in searchResult.AsEnumerable()
         join table2 in memberInfo.AsEnumerable()
         on table1.Field<decimal?>("MemeCk") equals
         select new
              CapHeadID = table1.Field<decimal>("CapHeadID"),

             MemeCk = table1.Field<decimal>("MemeCk"),

             Suffix = table2.Field<decimal>("MEME_SFX"), 

             Suscriber = table2.Field<string>("SBSB_ID"),

              BusinessArea = table2.Field<string>("TEAM"),

             MemberName = table2.Field<string>("MemberName"),

             WorkTypeName = table1.Field<string>("WrkName"),

             SSN = table2.Field<string>("MEME_SSN"),

             AssignedUser = table1.Field<string>("AssignedUser") 

         }).Distinct().OrderBy(a => (a.Suscriber.IsNotNil() ? 

a.Suscriber : "")).Take(3000);  
It would be helpful if you could explain what this code does. It seems unnecessarily convoluted.Robert Harvey
Sorry about that. I have added the description for the code above.amit
What's the underlying SQL type for MEME_CK?D Stanley
MEME_CK is basically a NUMBER(38,0) in table1 and Number in table2amit

1 Answers


You're using AsEnumerable to convert the queries away from IQueryable... basically this means LINQ won't try to generate SQL code for the join, and the join will be done in C#.

With that in mind, you could try just get them as objects - like this:

from table1 in searchResult.AsEnumerable()
     join table2 in memberInfo.AsEnumerable()
     on table1.Field<object>("MemeCk") equals
     select new...

I'm not sure if that will work, but it might do