I have a GET
request from where I extract the variable ${SAMLRequest}
(Regular Expression Extractor).
Value of ${SAMLRequest}
is as follows: VhJUVNXeHBPRjNMdnNvNHpTUT09PC9YNTA5Q2VydGlmaWNhdGU+PC9YNTA5RGF0YT48L0tleUluZm8+PC9TaWduYXR1cmU+PHNhbWxwOk5hbWVJRFBvbGljeSBBbGxvd0NyZWF0ZT0idHJ1ZSIgLz48L3NhbWxwOkF1dGhuUmVxdWVzdD4=
Next I have a POST
request, and I want to post the variable ${SAMLRequest}
with some changes.
Instead of the sign +
I want to have %2B
and instead of =
, I want to have %3D
Do you know how I can change a variable in JMeter?