
I have issues to get through the windows authentication when creating an automation test (C#) with Selenium Webdriver using the InternetExplorer Driver.

(When using Firefox it works to access https//username:[email protected] but not with Internet Explorer 10 (windows 7) )

I tried to update windows registry according to this article but it didnt work for IE10: http://aleetesting.blogspot.se/2011/10/selenium-webdriver-tips.html

Can any friendly person help me with a good solution how to get through Windows authentication using https//username:[email protected] in IE10?

Or does anyone have a better way to handle windows authentication issue with Selenium webdriver?

Best Regards Carl

You will have to use AutoITVikas Ojha

1 Answers


In Windows 7 you can use the Credentials Manager to save the credentials for your site in the vault. The authentication now goes automatic.