This is a GIS question. Google Maps API isn't really a full-blown GIS. If you want an open-source solution, I suggest loading your yellow and green polygons into a PostGIS database. Then you can query the database.
As an example, you can encode the drawn polygon as a POLYGON object which has the format:
POLYGON((lon lat, lon lat, lon lat, lon lat, ... lon lat))
And then send that to a PHP file from javascript like (you'll wrap this in a $.get()
command or similar and return json results:
getParcels.php?bounds=POLYGON((lon lat, lon lat, lon lat, lon lat, ... lon lat))
In the PHP file, query the PostGIS database and return the ids of the yellow and green polygons:
$pgcon = pg_connect ("dbname=gis user=gisuser connect_timeout=5") or die ( 'Can not connect to PG server' );
if (!$pgcon) {
echo "No connection to GIS database.\n";
$bounds = urldecode($_GET["bounds"];
$ewkt = 'SRID=4326;' . $bounds);
$json = ''; // this will contain your output
// Here I am returning the polygon geometry and the parcelID...
$query .= <<<EOD
ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom) as geom,
ST_Intersects(the_geom, ST_GeomFromEWKT( $1 ));
$result = pg_query_params($pgcon, $query, array($ewkt));
if($result) {
$json = '{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features":[';
while($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$json .= '{"geometry":' . $row['geom'] . ',';
$json .= '"type":"Feature","properties":{"parid":"' . $row['parid'] . '"}},';
$json = substr($json, 0,-1).']}';
echo $json;
This will return the parcels that intersect your polygon using the ST_Intersects
command in PostGIS.