I have a check box model grid which is loaded from JsonStore.
var drop_pick_grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store : dropPickGridStore,
cm : new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ selectModel, {
sortable : true,
header : "Drop/Pick Loc",
dataIndex : 'locationName',
width : 170,
renderer : function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex,
colIndex, store) {
var refColor = record.data.tourTypeColor;
metaData.attr = 'style="background-color:' + refColor + ';"';
return record.get('locationName');
}, {
header : "Town/City",
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'city',
width : 120
}, {
header : "Address",
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'addr',
width : 170
}, {
header : "EST.Un/Load Time",
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'estimatedTime',
width : 100
} ]),
sm : new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(),
//width : 570,
//height : 390,
autoHeight : true,
autoWidth : true,
frame : true,
iconCls : 'icon-grid',
renderTo : document.body
This is my dropPickGridStore:
var dropPickGridStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
fields : [ {
name : 'locationCode'
}, {
name : 'locationName'
}, {
name : 'city'
}, {
name : 'addr'
}, {
name : 'estimatedTime'
}, {
name : 'tourTypeColor'
} ],
root : 'dropPickLoc',
idProperty : 'locationCode',
//autoDestroy : true,
autoLoad : true,
proxy : new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url : "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + projectName + "/"
+ "PendingDropPicks"
reader : {
type : 'json',
root : 'dropPickLoc'
//idProperty : 'locationName',
My Json data is like this.
{'dropPickLoc':[{ 'locationCode' : '10007', 'locationName' : 'Gayan Hardware', 'city' : 'Galle', 'addr' : '121, Wijaya Rd, Galle', 'estimatedTime' : '120', 'tourTypeColor' : 'blue' } , { 'locationCode' : '10004', 'locationName' : 'Kandy Hardware', 'city' : 'Kandy', 'addr' : '11, Kurunagala Road, Kandy', 'estimatedTime' : '40', 'tourTypeColor' : 'blue' } , { 'locationCode' : '10009', 'locationName' : 'Mala Stores', 'city' : 'Colombo', 'addr' : '11B, Thimbirigasyaya, Colombo', 'estimatedTime' : '45', 'tourTypeColor' : 'yellow' } , { 'locationCode' : '10003', 'locationName' : 'Namal Ceramic', 'city' : 'Kurunagala', 'addr' : '12B, Lumbini Udyanaya, Kurinagala', 'estimatedTime' : '45', 'tourTypeColor' : 'yellow' } , { 'locationCode' : '10000', 'locationName' : 'Priya Ceramic', 'city' : 'Nugegoda', 'addr' : '15, Nugegoda', 'estimatedTime' : '40', 'tourTypeColor' : 'yellow' } , { 'locationCode' : '10002', 'locationName' : 'Sam Stores', 'city' : 'Galle', 'addr' : '46A, Galle', 'estimatedTime' : '120', 'tourTypeColor' : 'green' } , { 'locationCode' : '10008', 'locationName' : 'Saman Stores', 'city' : 'Polgahawela', 'addr' : '111, Kurunagala Rd, Kurunagala', 'estimatedTime' : '120', 'tourTypeColor' : 'blue' } , { 'locationCode' : '10006', 'locationName' : 'Sell-X Computors', 'city' : 'Ratnapura', 'addr' : '12, Tiriwanakatiya, Ratnapura', 'estimatedTime' : '120', 'tourTypeColor' : 'green' } , { 'locationCode' : '10001', 'locationName' : 'Super Stores', 'city' : 'Kandy', 'addr' : '16, Kandy Road', 'estimatedTime' : '120', 'tourTypeColor' : 'blue' } , { 'locationCode' : '10005', 'locationName' : 'Wijesingha Hardware', 'city' : 'Galle', 'addr' : '113A, Wackewella Road, Galle', 'estimatedTime' : '120', 'tourTypeColor' : 'green' } ]}
User can select items from this grid and move them into another grid(on button click). Here is my second grid pane;.
var gps_grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store : estore,
cm : new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ selectModel, {
sortable : true,
header : "Drop/Pick Loc",
dataIndex : 'locationName',
width : 170
}, {
header : "GPS",
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'gps',
width : 100
}, {
header : "EST.Un/Load Time",
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'estimatedTime',
width : 100
}, {
header : "",
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'colorCode',
width : 30
} ]),
sm : selectModel,
//width : 435,
//height : 400,
autoHeight : true,
autoWidth : true,
frame : true,
iconCls : 'icon-grid',
renderTo : document.body
This is my attempt to move selected items to second grid panel.
This is a listener for my button.
listeners: {
click: function(){
if (drop_pick_grid.getSelectionModel().hasSelection()) {
selectedItems = drop_pick_grid.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
var myReader = new Ext.data.ArrayReader({}, [{
name: 'locationName',
dataIndex: 'locationName'
}, {
name: 'estimatedTime',
dataIndex: 'estimatedTime'
} ]);
var gpsGridStore = new Ext.data.Store({
data : selectedItems,
reader : myReader,
autoLoad : true
I tried to create a new store for my second grid (gpsGridStore) with selected items from the first grid panel. I lete it to print in my firebug console. But gpsGridStore items are empty. i.e. locationName and estimatedTime take empty values.
Object { locationName="", estimatedTime=""}
And this the console output for selectedItems:
Object { locationCode="10000", locationName="Priya Ceramic", city="Nugegoda", more...}
"15, Nugegoda"
"Priya Ceramic"
What's wrong with my codes ? I would be much appreciated if anyone please be so kind enough to explain whats the error in my codes and how can I fix it.
Thanx a lot