The answer is "yes" with the ScriptTransformer, I discovered through trial and error.
The Solr documentation shows how to add an update attribute to a field node with "set", "add" or "inc". If I create a test XML file with the requisite update attribute, it works fine when passed to the regular update handler. But, when passed to DIH - even without any transformation - the update attributes get ignored completely.
Here's a simplified version of the script transformer I used to reintroduce the update attribute and get atomic updates working. Note the use of the Java HashMap.
var atomicTransformer = function (row) {
var authorMap = new java.util.HashMap();
var author = String(row.get('author'));
authorMap.put('add', author);
row.put('author', authorMap);
This produces the following JSON in DIH debug mode:
"id": [
"author": [
"add": "Smith, J"
Multivalued fields are also no problem: pass in an ArrayList to the HashMap instead of a string.
var atomicTransformer = function (row) {
var fruits = new java.util.ArrayList();
var fruitMap = new java.util.HashMap();
fruitMap.put('add', fruits);
row.put('fruit', fruitMap);