I have an XSLT transform that puts  
into my output. That is a narrow-non breaking space. Here is one section that results in nnbsp:
<xsl:text>§ </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="$firstsection"/>
<xsl:text> to </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="$lastsection"/>
The nnbsp in this case, comes in after the §
and after the text to
<span>§ 1 to 8</span>
(interestingly, the space before the to
turns out to be a regular full size space)
This occurs in my UTF-8 encoded output, as well as iso-8859-1 (latin1).
How can I avoid the nnbsp? While the narrow space is visually more appropriate, it doesn't work for all the devices that will read this document. I need a plain vanilla blank space.
Is there a transform setting? I use Saxon 9 at the command line.
Should I do a another transform.. using a replace template to replace the nnbsp?
Should I re-do my templates like the one above? Example, if I did a concat()
would that be a better coding practice?
UPDATE: For those who may find this question someday... as suggested by Michael Kay, I researched the issue further. Indeed, it turns out narrow-NBSP were in the source XML files (and bled into my templates via cut/paste). I did not know this, and it was hard to discover (hat tip to gVim hex view). The narrows don't exactly jump out at you in a GUI editor. I have no control over production of the source XML, so I had to find a way to 'deal with it.' Eric's answer below turned out to be my preferred way to scrub the narrow-nbsp. SED editing was (and is) an another option to consider, but I like keeping my production in XSLT when possible. So Eric's suggestion has worked well for me.