If you have succeeded in testing post, put, and delete http methods of a Rails API protected with the doorkeeper OAuth2 provider gem, please share and I'll give you the love.
The doorkeeper wiki documentation and sample application show pretty well how to test a get method. I succeeded testing a post with something like what follows using the Capybara test driver with Cucumber. Failed to test any API that routes from put or delete. Failed to post using an rspec test.
@user = create :user
@client = create(:oauth_application)
@token = create(:oauth_token, :application => @client, :resource_owner_id => @user)
json_for_new_entry = {
date_attr: Time.now.to_date,
decimal_attr: '1.1',
string_attr: 'oath2, you make me blue',
bool_attr: false,
int_attr: 1
page.driver.header 'Authorization', "Bearer #{@token.token}"
page.driver.post api_entry_path, json_for_new_entry,
'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'
The factories are nothing special:
factory :user, :class => User do |user|
sequence :email do |n| "user#{n}@example.com" end
pwd = "password"
password pwd
factory :oauth_application, :class => Doorkeeper::Application do
sequence(:name) { |n| "application_name_#{n}" }
#redirect_uri 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
redirect_uri 'http://localhost:3000/'
factory :oauth_token, :class => Doorkeeper::AccessToken do
association :application, :factory => :oauth_application
association :resource_owner_id, :factory => :user
My environment is a little behind latest versions:
- rails gems at 3.1.12
- capybara 2.2.0
- cucumber 1.3.10
- devise 2.2.7
- warden 1.2.3
- doorkeeper 0.7.4
- rspec-core 2.14.5
- rspec-expectations 2.14.3
- rspec-mocks 2.14.3
- rspec-rails 2.14.0