To get a distance from a Google Maps you can use Google Directions API and JSON parser to retrieve the distance value.
Sample Method
private double getDistanceInfo(double lat1, double lng1, String destinationAddress) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Double dist = 0.0;
try {
destinationAddress = destinationAddress.replaceAll(" ","%20");
String url = "" + latFrom + "," + lngFrom + "&destination=" + latTo + "," + lngTo + "&mode=driving&sensor=false";
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url);
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse response;
stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
response = client.execute(httppost);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
InputStream stream = entity.getContent();
int b;
while ((b = != -1) {
stringBuilder.append((char) b);
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
jsonObject = new JSONObject(stringBuilder.toString());
JSONArray array = jsonObject.getJSONArray("routes");
JSONObject routes = array.getJSONObject(0);
JSONArray legs = routes.getJSONArray("legs");
JSONObject steps = legs.getJSONObject(0);
JSONObject distance = steps.getJSONObject("distance");
Log.i("Distance", distance.toString());
dist = Double.parseDouble(distance.getString("text").replaceAll("[^\\.0123456789]","") );
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return dist;
For details on parameters and more details on what are the different options available, please refer this.