I am trying to test some legacy code using Mockito, and the method is a of type void.
I have stubbed out a lot of the calls to methods in other classes, this works fine. However, I also need to be able to stub out certain calls to other methods inside the same class.
Currently this is not working.
e.g. My Class is like below:
public class Test {
public Test(dummy dummy) {
public void checkTask(Task task, List <String> dependencyOnLastSuccessList) throws TaskException {
callToOtherClass.method1 // This works fine, I can stub it using mockito
updateAndReschedule(Long id, String message) // call to method in same class, I cannot stub it
public void updateAndReschedule(Long id, String message) {
//method logic.....
This is my testClass showing what I have at the minute:
public void testMyMethod() {
Test testRef = new Test(taskJob);
Test spy = spy (testRef);
// when a particular method is called, return a specific object
//doNothing when my local method is called
doNothing().when(spy).updateAndReschedule(1, "test");
//make method call
spy.checkTask(ts, taskDependencies);