I have a big problem which makes me cry everytime when I try to resolve it. I have installed VisualStudio2012 Express and made project in .net 4.5 framework it is simple project which use QUARTZ library and has only 2 lines:
var cron = new Quartz.CronExpression("0 * 8-22 * * ?");
DateTimeOffset? nextFire = cron.GetNextValidTimeAfter(DateTime.Now);
I successfully have compiled application and it works fine. But one day I had to change framework from .net4.5 to .net 4.0 and when i did it VisualStudio throws errors in line
DateTimeOffset? nextFire = cron.GetNextValidTimeAfter(DateTime.Now);
Exception is:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in WindowsFormsApplication6.exe Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."
I tried to change framework from net4.0 to .net4.5 because in .net4,5 application worked fine but it does not works! I can go back to .NET4.5 but application throws the same System.AccessViolationException. Have Anyone know how to resolve this issue?