
I am using OpenERP 7.0-20130811-231021 in Ubuntu. I developed a new module but when I try to install it, that module is not in the OpenERP module list. I tried the following steps:

  1. sudo /etc/init.d/openerp start
  2. update modules list
  3. go to installed module and viewed the module.

It is not there when I tried this command:

sudo ./openerp-server -u modulename 

It shows the following:

error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

What is causing this error and how can I fix it?

have you kill process it of that ??Bhavesh Odedra
can you show the init and openerp fileOmaL

3 Answers


Find openerp-server process id:-

  • ps -ax | grep openerp-server this will give the process id and need to kill it for example 1234

Kill Process ID:-

  • sudo kill -9 1234

Start Sever:-

  • sudo /etc/init.d/openerp-server start

And update module from the GUI, Hope this will help you.


In order to see a custom module in OpenERP 7, it must first be in the addons directory.

Go to Settings > Modules > Update Modules List Click Update You must have Technical Features enabled for the user you are logged in as.

Then go to Settings > Modules > Installed Modules Remove the [Installed] filter and search for your custom module

Custom modules will not appear in Settings > Modules > Apps because that view will only display Modules/Apps that are found online.


You need to check:

1- Your openerp-server.conf in install file, in there you should check that your addons_path reference your module location

2-Check your openerp.py and make shure everything is rigth

3- You must check also your Run Configurations Parameters and specified -u and module name, this will update your module in every restart