Hello I have read and implemented these Vittorio Bertocci tutorials:
"Secure ASP.NET Web API with Windows Azure AD and Microsoft OWIN Components"
"Protecting a Self-Hosted API with Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory"
However unlike the tutorials my web application is comprised of the following OWIN components: NancyFx & ASP.NET Web API (following the architecture pattern set forth here)As I attempt to implement AAD authentication (as Mr. Bertocci does in his tutorials) into my NancyFx module (to authenticate a user who hits a route requiring authentication):
I get the following error
Additional information: Loading an assembly required for interactive user authentication failed. Make sure assembly 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' exists.
clearly the AAD dialog that pops up asking a user to login has a dependency on WindowsForms and shouldn't be invoked from a web application.
What AAD credential prompt should I be using instead? How to I implement AAD auth in a web app client?