So I created my own code for a 2d platform game (like Mario). I decided to use the hitTestPoint method to handle my collisions. It worked smooth as butter, and everything was working perfectly. The character could move up and down ramps perfectly. My next step in creating my game would be to change my character (which was a block at the time) into a human character that can go to frames labeled "walk", "jump" and "stand". After creating variables for the two character states "run" and "stand" I coded the character to go to frame label "run" if the left or right keys are down, and "stand" if the character is not running, jumping or falling. Then the code was working okay, but there were quite a few problems that were occurring such as the character randomly running through walls and teleporting up ramps. I still have both versions (working and glitched). Other than the character movie clip changing frames, the code was not altered. I have absolutely no idea why the character is acting like this now. If anyone has experienced a problem like this before or knows what the problem behind this is, please help me out!
Drake Swartzy