I have PHP API codeblocks from a data extraction tool/website (http://import.io) in the form below. I want to have a search box that returns the result from not one, but multiple of these "connector" codeblocks (they are called connectors because they connect your search queries with the results piped through import.io, presumably).
I'm a noob at PHP, so I'm not sure how to go about this.
$userGuid = "kjnjkn-32d2-4b1c-a9c5-erferferferferf";
$apiKey = "APIKEY";
function query($connectorGuid, $input, $userGuid, $apiKey) {
$url = "https://api.import.io/store/connector/" . $connectorGuid . "/_query?_user=" . urlencode($userGuid) . "&_apikey=" . urlencode($apiKey);
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(array("input" => $input)));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
return json_decode($result);
// Query for tile WEBSEARCH
$result = query("98c9bac2-e623-4e31-8a3e-erferferferf", array(
"search_query" => "term1",
), $userGuid, $apiKey);
// Query for tile WEBSEARCH
$result = query("98c9bac2-e623-4e31-8a3e-bferfreferfe", array(
"search_query" => "term2",
), $userGuid, $apiKey);