Okay, so I'm trying to play a WAV file in Lua. I've gotton as far as the information, but I'm getting stuck on playing the actual song. The function I'm using is Speaker.start(Channel, Frequency). I'm new to doing anything like this in Lua from a raw file, and I don't know what the sample data represents. My question is, how would I get the Channel and Frequency to play it? Is it even possible?
--(( Variables ))--
local FileName = "song.wav"
local File = fs.open(FileName, "rb")
local ToHex = "%X"
local Speaker = peripheral.wrap("back")
--(( Functions ))--
-- returns a HEX string
local function BigEndian(Size)
local Str = ""
for Count = 1,Size do
Str = Str .. string.char(File.read())
return Str
-- returns a HEX string
local function LittleEndian(Size)
local T = {}
for Count = 1,Size do
local Str = ""
for Count = #T,1,-1 do
Str = Str .. T[Count]
return Str
--(( Main program ))--
-- Variables
local ChunkID = ""
local ChunkSize = 0
local Format = ""
local Subchunk1ID = ""
local Subchunk1Size = 0
local AudioFormat = 0
local NumChannels = 0
local SampleRate = 0
local ByteRate = 0
local BlockAlign = 0
local BitsPerSample = 0
local Subchunk2ID = ""
local Subchunk2Size = 0
local ExtraPeramSize = 0
-- RIFF chunk
ChunkID = BigEndian(4)
ChunkSize = tonumber(LittleEndian(4), 16) + 8
Format = BigEndian(4)
-- Subchunk 1
Subchunk1ID = BigEndian(4)
Subchunk1Size = tonumber(LittleEndian(4), 16)
AudioFormat = tonumber(LittleEndian(2), 16)
NumChannels = tonumber(LittleEndian(2), 16)
SampleRate = tonumber(LittleEndian(4), 16)
ByteRate = tonumber(LittleEndian(4), 16)
BlockAlign = tonumber(LittleEndian(2), 16)
BitsPerSample = tonumber(LittleEndian(2), 16)
ExtraPeramSize = tonumber(LittleEndian(2), 16)
-- Subchunk 2
Subchunk2ID = BigEndian(4)
Subchunk2Size = tonumber(LittleEndian(4), 16)
-- Printing
print("RIFF chunk")
print("- ChunkID: " .. ChunkID)
print("- ChunkSize: " .. ChunkSize)
print("- Format: " .. Format)
print("Subchunk 1")
print("- ID: " .. Subchunk1ID)
print("- Size: " .. Subchunk1Size)
print("- Audio Format: " .. AudioFormat)
print("- NumChannels: " .. NumChannels)
print("- Sample Rate: " .. SampleRate)
print("- Byte Rate: " .. ByteRate)
print("- Block Align: " .. BlockAlign)
print("- BitsPerSample: " .. BitsPerSample)
print("Subchunk 2")
print("- ID: " .. Subchunk2ID)
print("- Size: ".. Subchunk2Size)
local Done = 0
while true do
Done = Done + 1 -- Left Right Left Right
--local Sample = {{tonumber(LittleEndian(1),16), tonumber(LittleEndian(1),16)}, {tonumber(LittleEndian(1),16), tonumber(LittleEndian(1),16)}}
local Left = tonumber(LittleEndian(2),16) - 32768
local Right = tonumber(LittleEndian(2),16)
local Average = (Left + Right)/2
-- Left channel, Right channel
if Done == 5000 then break end
--(( EOF ))--