
I was given advice that I am suspicious about so I'm looking for support here to go back and challenge the advice.

I was advised to use Diffie-Helman to get both sides to agree on a secret key, use the secret key to generate an AES key, and then use AES to encrypt/decrypt passwords that are being transmitted. Pretty much like the sample code here

When using this scheme, the length of the encrypted password is the same as the length of the unencrypted password. Should I be worried about this?

Before, I was using RSA, encrypting the passwords with the receiver's public key. This was resulting in an encrypted length of 256 no matter what the password length. Isn't that better?

I'm no expert on security, but why don't pad the password to a set length (i.e. to 256 chars) to obscure the output?Emil Vikström
@Emil - But maybe my act of padding with a non-random character gives a clue to attackers? I definitely don't want to make up anything. I want to be told what to do by somebody who knows what he's talking about.Corey Trager
Can you please post more info about your problem so we can work out what you need?Dean Povey
You can just pad to whatever length with any data. It doesn't have to be random. As long as it's all encrypted. I think though that is the least of your worries. How are you authenticating the DH exchange? How are you handling replays?Dean Povey
The link I sent shows pretty much exactly what I'm doing. cryptopp.com/wiki/Diffie-HellmanCorey Trager

3 Answers


You can just pad to whatever length with any data. It doesn't have to be random. As long as it's all encrypted. I think though that is the least of your worries.

Note if you use Diffie-Hellman you still need to authenticate the parameters sent, which you probably need to do with RSA.

The alternatives are:

  1. Use RSA to exchange an encrypted secret key that you then use to encrypt your data.
  2. Use Diffie-Hellman to exchange a secret key and then use RSA to sign values sent to authenticate the transaction.

If you do all this, then you have to also worry about whether exchanges have been replayed to make you reuse keys etc.

To be honest if you need to ask this question then you probably are not qualified to write a crypto protocol. They are extremely hard to get right and not for the faint hearted.

Suggest you use SSL/TLS for your exchange if you need to stream a lot of data. PGP/PKCS#7 if you just need to send a single message.


First off: Don't invent your own authentication protocol. Period. If you do, you WILL get it wrong even if you're using strong encryption. There are a number of existing well documented authentication protocols that have been vetted by cryptographers and thus are thought to be secure. Don't be tempted to "simplify" them, they've already been simplified.

Second: IMHO you should never send passwords on the wire for authentication (I'm not aware of any authentication protocol which does, including the hideously insecure NTLMv1 protocol)[1].

If you're dead set on going down the "roll my own authentication scheme" path, here's how I'd make the scheme you described above more secure (Caveat: I'm not a cryptographer - I believe that there are serious weaknesses in what I'm describing here):

Instead of sending the password directly, send a one-way-function (also known as a OWF, often implemented as a cryptographic hash like SHA256 or stronger) of the password.

In other words, have the server send the client a salt value, add the salt to the password, compute the OWF of the password+salt value and send the OWF result to the server. On the server, add the salt to the password and also perform the OWF calculation. If the results are the same, the password is valid, if they're not it's invalid.

And finally have whatever you do reviewed by a real cryptographer. They will find problems in your implementation and you're going to have to fix them. They're likely to suggest that you abandon your effort in favor of an existing published protocol.

[1] AFAIK, the only time you should send the password on the wire is when you're changing the password and even then, you should pad the length to a multiple of the block size (include the length in the cybertext so that when you decrypt it you can distinguish between the password and the padding).


If you can help it, don't send passwords over the wire at all. Instead, use a scheme like SRP, which authenticates both parties with one password.