The three vectors [1,2,3],[3,4,5],[5,6,7]
lie in a single plane. How do I know? It's because I can see that [3,4,5]-[1,2,3]=[2,2,2]
, and [3,4,5]+[2,2,2]=[5,6,7]
Thus, when the question is "what linear combination of these three vectors gets me to this point", there are infinitely many such solutions if the point is in the plane, and none if it is not. Just by inspection you can see
[1,1,1] = ( [3,4,5]-[1,2,3] ) / 2
Meaning a solution is [-0.5 0.5 0]
[1,1,1] = ( [5,6,7] - [3,4,5] ) / 2
Meaning a solution is [0 -0.5 0.5]
You can't make a problem something it is not - and in this case it is ill conditioned so there are infinitely many solutions. Matlab handles it in this case, but warns you. Pencil and paper will lead you to the same conclusion. There is no unique answer.
is singular, and therefore there are infinite solutions. – Luis MendoX=A\B
.... orX=B/A
– John Alexiou