
In org-mode, I have a document that contains internal links, i.e. there are links in this format...

For more info, see [[*First%20heading][First heading]]

...that link to section headings:

* First heading

These links do not appear in my exported files, either in HTML or tex/PDF. Is there an org-mode setting that controls this?

Works for me (Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24.3.1). Could you retry starting from emacs -q?Tobias
When I relaunch Emacs without customizations, it defaults to org 6.33 and yes it works. However, I'm running org 8.2.4.incandescentman

1 Answers


While it would be great to export header-links, (and it seems to have worked in versions prior 8.0), as a workaround you can do as the manual recommends and use either dedicated targets, as in

- one item
- <<target>>another item
Here we refer to item [[target]].

or the CUSTOM_ID-property, as in

* Section One
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:one

* Section Two
You can reference Section One with [[#sec:one]] but NOT
[[#sec:one][Section One]], i.e., the link without description
will get you the actual section number (1).

(second example from How can I reference a section by number in org-mode export?).

Seems like using * link_name is a fallback solution:

If none of the above succeeds, Org will search for a headline that is exactly the link text but may also include a TODO keyword and tags.