
I made a class in a header file.

the class declaration:

class myTimer : public QObject

I have a custom slot:

private slots:
    void mySlot();

and a custom signal:

    QString mySignal();

The slot simply emits mySignal which then returns a QString.

I connect a QPushButton with mySlot:

connect(ui->startButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
        timer, SLOT(mySlot()));

and mySignal to a LCD number:

connect(timer, SIGNAL(mySignal()),
        ui->lcdNumber, SLOT(display(QString)));

Here timer is the object of the class I've declared. In both the connect statements I'm getting the error unable to convert parameter to const QObject* pointing to the object 'timer'.

I don't know why this error is occurring even though I have properly derieved from QObject adn added Q_OBJECT macro.

How did you declare timer exactly?Mat
The answer to your immediate problem is provided by David Schwartz, but what you are doing still won't work as the connect call expects the signal to provide a QString - which it doesn't. The signals carry their data as arguments, not return values (see a simple example: qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/signalsandslots.html#a-small-example).cmannett85

2 Answers


The connect function's first parameter is supposed to be a const QObject*. There's no way to convert a myTimer to a const QObject * because one of them is an object and the other is a pointer. You probably want &timer.


signals can't return any value (the return value should be void)

if you want to pas a value through a signal then you should add a parameter:

    void mySignal(QString);

and then connect as:

connect(timer, SIGNAL(mySignal(QString)),
        ui->lcdNumber, SLOT(display(QString)));